Whenever I start packing to go on a trip, Kraken realizes that a car trip looms and quickly finds a hiding spot. Usually, I am privy to her scheming, but this time she found a really good hiding spot under my "new" recliner. Although it would not have been impossible to get her out, I decided to let Kraken have a win and let her stay there while we are in Houston. Luckily my awesome friend Kat is checking to make sure she doesn't turn into a pumpkin. Or a stapler.
- my 4! animals
- my 5th animal (Henri)
- my vet school "fill-in" friends
- hearing the whole class WHOOP after "beat the hell outta t.u.," then following up with a singular "hook 'em"
- actually knowing the definitions of words spoken on the TV show House
- passing grades (well, except that one Immuno test... and Physio test. oops)
- studying-induced dementia
- sangria