Monday, March 25, 2013

The End of an Era

Beginning in the first year of vet school, I was so excited about May 9, 2013 at 2 pm. The day I would get to leave College Station and go back home. No more Texas A&M, no more vet student slave labor; back to the vibrant culture and people of Austin. I made sure everyone knew I was a UT grad - I wore burnt orange around Thanksgiving, proudly displayed my UT ring, and went back to Austin every chance I got.

But somewhere in between the last 4 years, something changed.

I joined the Texas A&M cycling team. I started to own things colored maroon. I went to an A&M football game. I switched out my UT ring for an Aggie ring. And 4th year, I started to really get to know my classmates. Regardless of the political spectrum, my class is full of AMAZING people. I have been impressed over and over again by their intellect, work ethic and overall values. And aside from my classmates, the technicians, interns, residents, and senior clinicians have made 4th year such a wonderful experience for me. I really feel like 4th year made the first 3 years worth it. Don't get me wrong; there were days when I wanted to quit. Things are really inefficient, and when you're working 80+ hours per week and paying to do so, you start to go crazy. I have gained ten pounds in the past year and it was not healthy. I don't think I'd do this again.

But this journey has been made worth it. So worth it that I am sitting in my new Austin living room, missing you all.

To my friends that have kept me sane; to my colleagues who have helped me survive every rotation. To the technicians that have, despite dealing with constantly new people every two weeks, taught me how to be a doctor. To the interns who have shown me that, with barely any sleep and never enough appreciation, it's possible to be that enthusiastic about veterinary medicine. To the residents that have shown patience and compassion while teaching me everything you know. To the senior clinicians who have acted both as professors and mentors. You have all helped me in ways you'll never know, and I am forever indebted:

Thank you. I can not say it enough.

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